Welcome to CNCM Registration Page

Know your rights:

 Your creative work becomes valuable the moment it is created. If you are a writer, creator, composer, editor, author or photographer and the content used in any way in public, CNCM can help you get royalties,right managment and provide legal protection and advocacy.  

Simplified Administration: For individual creators and copyright owners, managing their rights can be a difficult and time-consuming task. They might might not be able to negotiate licensing agreements, track usage of their works, or collect royalties. We provide a centralized system for managing rights, handling licensing, collecting royalties, and distributing payments to rights holders.

Increased Revenue: We ensure you that maximize your revenue by managing the licensing and collection of royalties for your copyrighted works. We negotiate licensing agreements with users on behalf of rightsholders and ensure that you receive fair compensation for the use of your works.

Broad Representation:
We represent a large number of creators and rightsholders from various fields and genres. This gives you an opportunities to access a wider range of licensing  revenue streams. We can negotiate licensing deals with a diverse range of organizations, including broadcasters, streaming platforms, venues, and more, expanding the reach and exposure of creators’ works.

Legal Protection and Advocacy: CNCM provides legal protection and advocacy for creators and rightsholders. We monitor the use of copyrighted works, identify instances of unauthorized use and take appropriate legal action to enforce copyrights and neighboring rights. The society also advocates the copyright and neighboring rights law and regulation for the benefits of rightsholders.