02. Requirements for Obtaining Copyright


June 29, 2023

The following criteria must be met to obtain a copyright according to the copyright and neighboring rights proclamation of Ethiopia 410/2004 article (6).

1. The Work Must be Reduced to Material Form

What gets protected by copyright is the way the idea is expressed, not the idea itself. Therefore, any creator who transforms his or her imagination into a literary or other artistic creation is protected by copyright law.

2. Original

Protected works are uniform works, i.e. original works or other creative works based on a uniform work. The consistency of the work or the original work does not mean that the work is Unique or Novel but it mean that it is not made by simulating or copying the work of others. In other words, "the work must be novel or unique but the work must not be a mere or slavish copy of another work." So, the creative worker must have done the work with his own skill and effort.